Training and Education

Health and Welfare has compiled relevant training materials and courses. Those that satisfy Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements are noted as such.

Assisted Living Administrator and Nurse Training

As Assisted Living Administrator and Nurse Trainings are scheduled, dates and registration links will be added below.  The Bootcamp Resources folder includes presentations and handouts, and both are organized by training year. 

When registering for a course, you will be placed on a waitlist and notified when your registration has been accepted and you may attend the course.

Do not register for someone else.

Assisted Living Nurse Training

This course is for licensed nurses and administrators currently working in an Idaho assisted living facility. Nurses will be given first preference on available seats. All nursing courses will be one day in length and conducted virtually.

Assisted Living Basic Administrator Training

This course is for newly licensed administrators. If you have taken this course in the last two years, you are not eligible to register. All basic administrator courses will be conducted virtually.


Training Materials By Topic

Behavior Management

Behavior Evaluation (1.5 hrs/CEUs - DHW Training Course)

Behavior Program Development and Data Collection (1.5 hrs/CEUs - DHW Training Course)

Developmental Disabilities

Specialized Training for Developmental Disabilities (1.0 hr/CEU - DHW Training Course)

Residential Assisted Living Facilities Program

PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0009
United States
