About Immunizations

Immunizations allow a person to become protected against a disease through vaccination. Some vaccinations are provided at no or low-cost in Idaho. 


Protecting your child's health and safety is very important to you. That's why most parents choose immunization. Nothing protects babies better from 14 serious childhood diseases. Choose to immunize - it's the powerful defense that's safe, proven, and effective. 

Immunizations are not just for children. Protection from some childhood immunizations can wear off over time. You may be at risk for vaccine preventable diseases due to your age, job, lifestyle, travel, or health conditions. Your need for immunizations doesn't end when you become an adult. Get immunized to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious disease.

Find Vaccines Near You
Search by zip code to find a COVID-19 or flu vaccine near you. Filter by vaccine types and available appointments.
Immunization reminder information system

The Immunization Program maintains Idaho’s Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS), a secure health information system containing the names and immunization history of people who have received vaccinations in Idaho. IRIS helps remind patients when immunizations are needed, provides patients with a permanent immunization record to help reduce unnecessary immunizations, and saves healthcare provider's time when requesting patient records. The information in IRIS is available only to authorized healthcare providers, child care providers, and schools.

Participation in IRIS is voluntary and you may opt out at any time by contacting the Idaho Immunization Program at 208-334-5995 and requesting an opt-out form, or by completing the online opt-out form.

A child getting a shot in the arm
Vaccines & immunizations
Learn what immunizations are recommended by age
How to get your flu vaccine
How to get your COVID-19 vaccine
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