Drinking Water Testing and Certification

Drinking Water Testing and Certification

Idaho Bureau of Laboratories (IBL) analyzes environmental samples for chemical and microbiological contamination  and certifies environmental labs for microbiological, inorganic, organic, and radiochemical analysis.

About environmental testing

Idaho Bureau of Laboratories (IBL) analyzes environmental samples for chemical and microbiological contamination.  

IBL maintains strict guidelines regarding receipt and processing of samples. Some samples may be submitted by the public while others are accepted only from state agencies, district health departments, or law enforcement agencies.

Before submitting a sample, please consult the Bureau's Sampling and Submission Guide which provides a listing of tests performed at IBL and information on sample collection and handling procedures. Proper submission forms must accompany samples.  Call 208-334-2235 with questions about sample submission to IBL.

  • The well log database from the Idaho Department of Water Resources provides information about your specific domestic well
  • Educational materials available from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare help you learn about common water contaminants and when to test for them.

School and daycare lead testing

IBL also offers free lead testing in drinking water for Idaho's public schools and child care facilities. Consult the Sampling and Submission Guide  prior to sample submission.

Public school and child care facility lead sample collection and submission

Resources for lead in drinking water in schools and child care facilities

drinking water from tap
Ground Water Quality Near Me
Use this interactive map to help you determine what contaminants to test your well for.
Environmental Test Request Forms
Test request forms for organics, inorganics, total coliform, and other contaminants.
Mosquito Pool Submission Form
Use this form when submitting mosquito pools for arbovirus testing
Ernie Bader
Environmental Chemistry
Robert Voermans
Environmental Microbiology (Total Coliform and E. coli)
About drinking water certification

The Idaho Bureau of Laboratories certifies laboratories for the chemical and microbiological testing of drinking water from public water systems as part of the primacy agreement between the State of Idaho and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Laboratories are certified for microbiology, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and radiochemistry analytes and methods. 

Equipment and procedures employed by laboratories certified by the State of Idaho conform to the provisions and QA standards in the EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water and to rules and regulations governing certification of Idaho water quality laboratories. The certification authority for the State of Idaho is Bureau Chief Christopher Ball, Ph.D.

Apply for Environmental Chemistry Certification

Apply for Environmental Microbiology Certification

Idaho Bureau of Laboratories Drinking Water EPA Certificate

For previous year's certificates, contact Idaho Bureau of Laboratories.

Drinking Water Lab Certificates
View Idaho and Out of State Drinking Water Certificates for Inorganics, Organics, Microbiology, and Radiochemistry.

The Idaho Division of Public Health and Idaho’s local public health districts work together to investigate outbreaks of illness associated with drinking

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