Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS)

IRIS is a secure statewide immunization information system that  tracks, forecasts, and helps healthcare providers remind patients when immunizations are needed. IRIS also provides patients with a permanent immunization record to help reduce unnecessary immunizations and save providers time when requesting patient records. Healthcare providers, schools, and child care facilities that don't already have access to IRIS may request an IRIS account by selecting from the options in the quick links section on the right side of this page.

Benefits of IRIS for providers

IRIS offers many benefits to providers. Using IRIS can help practices be more efficient by streamlining the immunization administration process and office work flow, and saving staff time. Major benefits of provider participation in IRIS include: 

  • Consolidates immunization-related information into a single centralized record. IRIS combines immunization information from different sources into a single record and provides official immunization records for school and childcare.
  • Instantly calculates which vaccines need to be given to patients in accordance with the latest ACIP vaccine recommendations and intervals. 
  • When requested, it automatically generates reminder and recall postcards and/or mailing labels to send to parents to remind them when their child’s immunizations are due or have been missed.
  • Decreases time spent by your office staff seeking immunization histories from previous providers. Lists can also be generated to expedite school enrollment and eliminate individual calls from school personnel. 
  • IRIS protects the privacy of all users, including children, families, and providers. Only those who are authorized have access to IRIS information.  
  • Supplies patient lists for special recalls or mailings. 
  • Calculates the immunization status of the provider’s patient base.
  • IRIS can exchange immunization information with hospitals and medical providers. Data exchange between IRIS and other electronic systems contributes to more complete immunization records in IRIS. This helps ensure that IRIS and other systems make accurate recommendations, that children get only the vaccinations they need, and that immunization providers can work more efficiently.
Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS)
Access IRIS to access data, forms, and other important immunization information.
IRIS for healthcare providers

IRIS provider information

How to enroll

To request an account, fill in the link for the appropriate category.



School staff 

System requirements to use IRIS

Internet access

Since IRIS is a web-based application, you will need reliable Internet access, preferably with a dedicated high speed connection. A modem connection will work but is not recommended. 

Software requirements

  • Internet browser software
    • Recommended browser:  Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
  • Windows® 7 and all subsequent Windows versions
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader ® 6.0 or higher
  • For networked computers, TCP/IP Port 443 of the network firewall must be open for outgoing HTTPS (secure HIIP) connections to access the IRIS production application.
Equipment requirements to link with IRIS

Exchanging immunization information with IRIS very much depends on the electronic health record (EHR) system being used and even the version of that system. IRIS requires some form of internet access, which involves high speed internet access. The computer application used in your practice should have the ability to create an interface file that conforms to a standard exchange format of HL7 2.4.or 2.5.1. Additional software requirements may be necessary for authentication, encryption, and sending the file to IRIS.

Additionally, the EHR system used should be populated with immunization records – not scanned in.  This makes the set-up of the export much easier to work with. 

Currently, we have electronic exchanges with the following EHR systems. This list is not exclusive, and each exchange set-up depends on the version of the EHR software your office uses.

  • E Clinical Works
  • Next Gen
  • GE Centricity (Logician)
  • SAGE
  • RPMS (Indian Health Services)
  • MARS/Noteworthy
  • EZ health Care
  • Success EHS, EMR
  • Allscripts
IRIS data exchange provider questionnaire

The following IRIS data exchange provider questionnaire is available for providers.

If you are seeking to meet Promoting Interoperability (formerly Meaningful Use) requirements, please visit the department's Public Health Promoting Interoperability webpage.

IRIS Data Exchange Provider Questionnaire

Promoting Interoperability (PI) data exchange

One of the stated goals of the American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA or "the Stimulus Package"), enacted in February 2009, is to increase the "meaningful" use of EHR systems among medical providers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) established an incentive program using ARRA funds to encourage eligible providers and hospitals to adopt and use EHR systems. To receive EHR-PI incentives, participating providers and facilities must meet various operational and public health criteria established by CMS with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). The Idaho Immunization Program (IIP) will provide an acknowledgement for providers who are seeking to meet the PI public health measure.

Eligible providers and hospitals interested in PI registration

Data exchange

IRIS has batch capabilities to accept HL7 2.4 and 2.5.1 and real-time capabilities for HL7 2.4 ONLY through SOAP Webservice. All testing will be through a manual batch file sent directly to me for review. A provider will only be moved to production after they have successfully completed testing. There is a link to the IRIS HL7 specifications below.

To access IRIS HL7 specifications, please visit, then select the Forms tab at the top of the screen. IRIS username and password are not required to access the HL7 specifications.

Please complete the IRIS Data Exchange Provider Questionnairefor the clinic requesting electronic data exchange. Please send an HL7 test file for review to After we have both the completed form and the test file, we will complete the HL7 review and give feedback on any changes needed to meet IRIS specifications.

IRIS Help Desk
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