Find resources for behavioral health and information on the state hospitals.
Resources and providers
Crisis Centers are a place for adults to go if they are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, such as suicidal thoughts or withdrawal from drugs, to get help. They can stay for up to 24 hours and receive a bed, food, and services from mental health professionals so they can decide what to do next.
State Hospital South
State Hospital South is at 700 East Alice, Blackfoot, Idaho, 83221/ The phone number is 208-785-1200.
If you would like to visit a patient, schedule the visitation through the patient’s clinician. The state hospital provides psychiatric inpatient treatment and skilled nursing care for Idaho’s adult residents with the most serious and persistent mental illnesses. The hospital works in partnership with families and communities to enable clients to return to community living. State Hospital South includes 110 psychiatric adult beds and 42 skilled nursing beds. It also maintains a statewide program to restore the competency of criminal justice patients. The 42 skilled nursing beds in the Syringa Chalet Nursing Facility offer services to consumers with a history of behavioral or psychiatric illness.
- State Hospital South Resources
- State Hospital South Resources - Videos
- FY2025 SHS Hospital Charges
- Right to Receive a Good Faith Estimate of Expected Charges
State Hospital North
State Hospital North is at 300 Hospital Drive, Orofino, Idaho, 83544. The phone number is 208-476-4511.
State Hospital North is a 55-bed psychiatric hospital that provides treatment for adults in psychiatric crisis. The hospital collaborates with patients and their families and the referring regional mental health centers to develop goals for hospitalization and arrange follow-up care after an inpatient stay. Hospitalization at the state hospital is intended to be of short to intermediate duration. The objective is to stabilize presenting symptoms and return the patient to community living in the shortest reasonable period of time. Length of stay is variable based on patient need and prevailing best practices in the mental health field. Admissions to State Hospital North require commitment through the court system. Treatment is individualized and delivered in interdisciplinary treatment teams. The facility uses the recovery model in treatment and promotes alignment with the patient in developing a self-directed care plan to assist them in working toward their recovery goals.