- We believe prevention is key.
- Recovery and resiliency is possible for everyone.
- An informed system is an effective system.
- Advocacy is all-inclusive.
- Services should be accessible throughout a person's life.
- Services are provided in the least restrictive environment.
- Early intervention is cost-effective and evidence-based.
- The system is accountable, transparent and sustainable.
- Whole-person, whole-health.
- Recognize the rights and responsibilities of individuals and families.
The BHPC will pursue the following body of work:
- Provide oversight and coordination of regional behavioral health boards.
- Fulfill reporting requirements.
- Support the development of community crisis centers in each region.
- Conduct a statewide assessment of prevention programs.
- Assist regions in setting up children’s subcommittees.
- Educating legislators.
- Conducting an environmental scan of the readiness and capacity of the system to ultimately generate strategies to improve continuity of care.