Behavioral Health Service Providers

Find information about the Substance Use Disorder Program, behavioral health provider participant fee determination, provider reimbursement rates, and more. 

Important behavioral health provider information

Behavioral health service provider reimbursement rates
Criminal history background check waiver process
Mental Health Court Standards and Guidelines

Mental Health Court Standards and Guidelines are also referenced in the Division of Behavioral Health Mental Health documents. 

Youth Empowerment (YES) Provider Manual

DBH Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Provider Manual. More information can be found on the YES website

Ada County Mental Health Court Program Guide
Substance Use Disorder Services Program

Through funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG), the Division of Behavioral Health’s (DBH) Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services Program contracts with Magellan of Idaho to provide statewide treatment and recovery support services for qualifying individuals and families struggling with the disease of addiction.

Services funded with SABG dollars include, but are not limited to SUD assessment, case management, drug testing, safe and sober housing, transportation, child care, life skills, recovery coaching, as well as outpatient and residential treatment.

DBH currently contracts with Magellan of Idaho for the delivery of these SUD services. Magellan of Idaho also manages the provider network that delivers these services. If you are interested in joining the Magellan of Idaho network as a treatment or recovery support services provider and delivering services under DBH funding, please visit the Magellan of Idaho website.

Behavioral Health newsletters

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Review quarterly behavioral health newsletters discussing topics related to mental health and substance use disorders.
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