Foster Youth and Alumni


We are here for you. A new law has passed that provides temporary funding to help current and former foster youth through the COVID-19 crisis.


Types of Services
Independent Living (IL)
  • Services to assist with basic needs like cash assistance for food, access to technology, and other expenses. This is available to youth and young adults who are IL eligible and between the ages of 14-26.
Room and Board Assistance
  • Idaho has additional resources to help you get into (or keep) your housing. This is available to those who are IL eligible and currently between the ages of 18-26.
  •  Funding to help youth get a driver’s license, driver's education, and transportation expenses. 
  • Available to youth and young adults who are between the ages of 15-26.
Transitional Foster Care
  • Allows young adults to remain in foster care or re-enter foster care (they don't have to age out).
  • The Transitional Foster Care program may be available for any youth who:
    •  aged out of foster care between Oct. 1, 2019 and Sept. 30, 2021, OR will age out of foster care by Sept. 30, 2021, AND
    • is under the age of 22.
Higher Education Aid
  • The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) limit is temporarily raised up to $12,000 per individual.
diverse group of youth with their arms around each other in a huddle looking at camera and smiling.
Find out if you are eligible today
Call 208-334-6953 or email
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