School Lunch Program

During the school year, qualifying children can receive free and reduced-cost meals while at school.

About school lunch program

Schools send school meal applications home at the beginning of each school year. However, you may apply for school meals any time during the school year by submitting an application directly to your school or district. If you’re earning at or below current income eligibility guidelines, you are encouraged to contact your school or district to fill out a school meal application. Applications are reviewed by local school or district officials before granting free or reduced price benefits.

If you receive Food Stamp benefits, all of your children who attend school automatically qualify for free school meals. Participation in Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho (TAFI), Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Foster Care also provide automatic eligibility. Please contact your school to determine if you need to fill out an application.

Children eating lunch together
Find Your Child's School or District's Contact Information
Apply for the school lunch program

Any family with children enrolled in a school or district participating in the school meal programs (National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program) may apply for these services. Contact your school to learn about any additional eligibility requirements. 

Contact your child's school or district to fill out a school meal application.

*Not all districts participate in the school meal programs
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