About Medicaid for Adults

Medicaid offers healthcare coverage for adults that address a variety of health needs, including coverage for low-income adults, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities who meet certain income criteria

ALERT: Medicaid members have been involved in two data breaches in 2023. Learn more.

Medicaid programs

Medicaid offers different programs to provide healthcare coverage for adults in Idaho:

Idaho Medicaid Health Plan Booklet
This booklet has information about each of Medicaid’s healthcare benefit plans.
Medicaid Brochure
Learn about Medicaid coverage and benefits available to you.
Medicaid plans available
  • Basic Plan – This plan provides health, prevention, and wellness benefits for adults who typically do not have special health needs. This plan includes annual physicals, immunizations, most prescriptions, doctor and hospital visits, and more.
  • Enhanced Plan – This plan is for individuals with disabilities or special health needs. This plan has all the benefits of the basic plan, plus additional specialized benefits. Most of the time, individuals will need to be referred by a doctor to become eligible for the enhanced plan.
  • Medicare Medicaid Coordinated Plan – Designed for people who are eligible and enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid (also known as dual eligibles). This plan has all the benefits of the enhanced plan, plus allows people to enroll in a managed care plan to help coordinate Medicare and Medicaid benefits. There are many advantages to enrolling in managed care, one of the most valuable is access to a care coordinator who helps people with complex medical conditions to achieve better health.

To view more details about available health plans and find cost-sharing information please see below:

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What's covered
Preventive Health Assistance (PHA) Benefit
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services (NEMT)

Appeals and Fair Hearings

If you disagree with a decision from the Department about the benefits you receive, you can appeal that decision. See the library for more information.
Estate recovery process

Medicaid estate recovery is the process through which each state recovers the costs of medical services it has paid from the estate of the person who received those services. The Medicaid estate recovery program impacts two groups of people receiving Medicaid benefits:

  • Anyone over the age of 55 who has received Medicaid assistance, and
  • Anyone who is permanently institutionalized and has received Medicaid assistance, regardless of age.

The estate recovery program may collect money from the estate of a deceased Medicaid recipient as repayment for any medical care services that were provided to the recipient and paid for by Medicaid, while the recipient was over 55 years of age, or permanently institutionalized, regardless of age.

Medical care includes a wide range of services, including nursing home and community based in-home care services. It also includes any hospital and prescription drug services the participant received while in a nursing home, or while receiving in-home care. Medical care also includes capitation payments to Medicaid-contracted health insurance companies or medical providers administering a defined package of benefits. The federal government directs states to pursue Medicaid estate recovery for these services.

Federal law recognizes that the needs of certain relatives can take precedence over the state’s interest in recovering assets from the deceased. For this reason, states are not allowed to pursue Medicaid estate recovery under the following circumstances:

  • During the lifetime of the surviving spouse, regardless of where he or she lives.
  • From a surviving child who is under age 21 years or is blind or permanently disabled (based on Social Security criteria), regardless of where he or she lives.

Idaho Medicaid Estate Recovery will exempt all property, whether held in trust or not, if the property is owned by an American Indian or Alaskan Native (AI/AN) and located within the boundaries of a tribal reservation. 

As individual circumstances vary, and for more information, please call the Estate Recovery Office at 866-849-3843 or email FinancialRecovery@dhw.idaho.gov

Estate Recovery Brochures

To see frequently asked questions about estate recovery, see our online brochures library for both English and Spanish versions of this document.

Other services from Medicaid partners

External resources
Services provided by Magellan. If you have questions regarding these services, please contact us: 855-202-0973.
External resources
Provided by MCNA Dental through the Idaho Smiles program. If you have questions regarding these services, please contact us: 855-233-6262.
external resources
Find non-emergency medical transportation for Medicaid participants.

Other healthcare assistance services

Father playing with son outside
Medicaid programs designed for children are available. Learn more to see if your child(ren) may be eligible for CHIP or Children's Medicaid.


External Resources
View the Idaho rules regarding the administration of Medicaid in Idaho.
External Resources
Learn more about Social Security benefits, such as Medicare and retirement benefits, by visiting the Social Security Administration website.
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