DHW accepts public comment on state plan for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Type of notice/meeting

The Department of Health and Welfare is holding a virtual public hearing from 10 a.m. to noon MT July 28 and will accept public comments through July 28 regarding the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for the 2023 state plan. The LIHEAP program helps eligible families pay their energy costs.

To access the public hearing: 

Link: https://idhw.webex.com/idhw/j.php?MTID=m59c68730cee53974b46b175d64d6aed6 
 Dial +1-415-527-5035
 Join by meeting number
 Meeting number (access code): 2760 329 9231  Meeting password: piPahM52vk4 (74724652 from phones and video systems) 
Comments may sent to:
 Idaho Department of Health & Welfare
 Lisa Johnson
 450 West State Street, 2nd floor
 Boise, ID  83720-0036
 Or emailed to: Lisa.Johnson@dhw.idaho.gov 

Event End Date
Event Start Date