Idaho TSE System Council

The purpose of the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) System Council is to develop, implement, and monitor a statewide system that includes trauma, stroke, and heart attack facilities.

The 17-member Idaho TSE System Council meets once a month to govern the statewide system. The council has 11 governor-appointed members representing Idaho's hospitals and EMS agencies and provides equitable geographic and rural representation, and 6 TSE Regional Chairs. The TSE program staff from the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare oversees the day-to-day operation of the Idaho TSE System.

Read Idaho Statute 56-1027 Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council - Creation - Composition, for further information on the Idaho TSE System Council's appointments and terms.

Member NamePosition
Amanda PringleTrauma Center
Dr. Ondrej ChoutkaStroke Center
Dr. Joseph WalshHeart Attack Center
Jeremy SchabotUrban EMS
Bill SpencerRural EMS
Mike WeimerAir Medical EMS
Nathan CarterFacility Administrator
Brad HuertaCritical Access Hospital Administrator
Greg Vickers, TSE Council Vice-chairmanUrban Emergency Department
Dr. Kelly McGrathRural Emergency Department
Dr. Rashna GinwallaCitizen
Chris Way, TSE Council ChairmanRegion 1 North Chair
Nicole WheatonRegion 2 North-Central Chair
Dr. Parker FillmoreRegion 3 Southwest Chair
Erin KellerRegion 4 South-Central Chair
Dr. Curtis SandyRegion 5 Southeast Chair
Eric DayRegion 6 East Chair


TSE Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 10th
9am - 10am MST

Bureau of EMS & Preparedness
2224 E Old Penitentiary Rd
Boise, ID 83712

Meeting Minutes
2024 meeting minutes2023 meeting minutes

January 9th

January 10th

February 13th

February 14th

March 12th

March 14th - CANCELED

April 9th

April 11th

May 14th

May 9th

June 11th

June 13th - CANCELED

July 9th - CANCELED

July 11th

August 13th

August 8th

September 10th

September 12th

October 8th

October 10th

November 12th

November 14th

December 10th

December 12th
TSE Statutes

TSE System related Idaho Statutes, Title 56, Chapter 10: 

56-1024 Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System of Care - Statement of Intent.

56-1025 Definitions.

56-1026 Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Creation.

56-1027 Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council - Creation - Composition.

56-1028 Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council - Duties - Rulemaking.

56-1029 Idaho Trauma, Stroke, Heart Attack Centers - Designation.

56-1030 Regional Time Sensitive Emergency Committees - Membership - Duties.

Idaho TSE Registry Idaho Statute, Title 57, Chapter 20:
57-2001 - 57-2007 Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) Registry

Idaho Administrative Procedures Act - Rules Governing TSE:
2023 IDAPA 16, Title 02, Chapter 01 - 16.02.01

Current edition of the Time Sensitive Emergency Standards Manual:
TSE Standards Manual 2023-1

Idaho TSE Council and TSE Regional Committees subject to the Idaho Open Meeting Law:
2017 Idaho Open Meeting Law

Bylaws of the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System of Care:
2024 Idaho TSE Council Bylaws