Being a Foster Parent requires a license from the State of Idaho. First you submit an application, linked below. Then a licensing worker will reach out to you to go over the next steps.
Have you gathered the information you need, did you get your questions answered, do you feel ready for the next step? If so, you are in the right place. Click on the application below.
If you are interested in child-specific adoption, visit Idaho's Wednesday's Child.
If you are interested in the adoption of a newborn or a child not in Idaho's foster care system, visit A New Beginning Adoption Agency,, Idaho Youth Ranch Adoptions and/or Certified Adoption Professionals.
If you are interested in treatment foster care (TFC), visit Clarvida and/or RISE, Inc.

Step-by-step guide to becoming a foster or foster-to-adopt parent
- The first step is to learn as much as you can about becoming a foster, foster-to-adopt, or a child specific adoptive parent. To get started, fill out the Request for More Information form.
- Upon receiving your request, you will be contacted by an experienced foster or adoptive parent -- also known as a resource peer mentor (RPM) -- or licensing worker who can answer your questions, share information, and provide assistance with the application process.
- Make a list, and be prepared to ask questions!
- It is important to get as much information as you need before proceeding to with this journey.
The next step in the process is attending an initial orientation informational meeting. This event will give you a basic understanding of:
- Who the children are that need care
- The roles and responsibilities of foster/adoptive parents
- The process you will need to go through
- The next steps you will take on the journey
It's important to show up to the meeting with an open heart and mind, and
- Listen carefully to what the presenters say
- Ask questions
- Take notes
- Discover what it takes to get licensed
- Find out who your contacts are
- Ask about upcoming meetings and note the dates and times
During this orientation, you may hear for the first time about the real challenges of fostering/adopting, including the background of some of the children and the length of the process.
At this point in the journey, you may become conflicted. Please don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have. You don’t have to make any major decisions right now. The only decision you need to make is whether or not you want to continue to the next step.
At this point, you will complete your foster/adoptive parent application, if you have not already done so. You can complete and submit the application online. You can also request a hard copy by dialing 2-1-1 to reach the Idaho CareLine. Confirmation that your application was received and is being processed will sent to you within one business day. Within five days, your licensor will contact you to answer your questions and schedule your home visit. Be sure to fill out all information including your personal references. Our inability to contact these references is often a point of delay in the process.
You may also start your criminal history background check after you have submitted your foster care application. Start the criminal history background checks. Follow the instructions in the link provided.
Before you apply for the criminal history and background check, you must know your "Employer/Agency ID #." Using this number will ensure that the correct office receives notification of your criminal history and background check status. Please write down the appropriate four-digit number below before you click on the criminal history and background check link.
Training needs will be evaluated and training provided after you submit the application (see Step 4 for more information on this training):
Child and Family Services Agencies and ID numbers
- Region 1 (Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone, Benewah counties) - 1460
- Region 2 (Latah, Nez Perce, Clearwater, Lewis, Idaho counties) - 1460
- Region 3 (Adams, Washington, Payette, Gem, Canyon, Owyhee counties) - 1226
- Region 4 (Valley, Boise, Ada, Elmore counties) - 1236
- Region 5 (Camas, Blaine, Gooding, Lincoln, Jerome, Minidoka, Twin Falls, Cassia counties) - 1838
- Region 6 (Bingham, Bannock, Power, Caribou, Bear Lake, Franklin, Oneida counties) - 1274
- Region 7 (Lemhi, Custer, Butte, Clark, Jefferson, Fremont, Madison, Teton, Bonneville counties) - 1505
Ask for help if you have questions or don’t understand something in the application. The resource peer mentor and/or licensing worker will be happy to assist you.
FIRST (Fostering Idaho Resource and Skills Training) is a collection of pre-service trainings to provide potential foster and/or adoptive parents with the skills to be successful. Sessions will be assigned based on a person's individual needs.
- This training is completed during the licensing assessment or home study. You will be invited to attend FIRST after your application is received and reviewed for any missing or disqualifying information. Your invitation to FIRST will also include a link to complete online training for the Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard.
- This process is an education for all and will help you learn the knowledge and skills you need to make an informed decision about fostering and/or adopting
NOTE: It is important to attend and actively participate in all training sessions. If you're looking to foster or adopt with a partner, both parties are encouraged to attend these sessions.
At the trainings, plan to give careful consideration to the information presented. Come prepared to ask questions. Devote time to consider the full impact of fostering and/or adopting on your family. Gain the necessary information to make a personal decision about whether to become a foster and/or adoptive parent. Learn what type of child you think you can best parent.
Sessions are designed to:
- Begin the preparations for fostering and/or adopting
- Create a basis for teamwork between yourself and the agency
- Challenge you to grow and develop as a resource parent
- Help you ask yourself the following: Is fostering/adopting for me? Am I able to parent a child who has been neglected and/or abused? What type of child can I parent?
- Provide a group setting to discuss and learn
You will make friends with other prospective parents, staff, and experienced foster/adopt parents. You will start to feel like part of an enthusiastic, hard-working, and competent team. You are not in this alone!
The appointment for your home study will occur within 15 days of speaking to your assigned licensing worker. To expedite the process, please make sure all family members are present, and your home is ready to meet licensing requirements at the time of the visit. During the assessment and home study, a licensing worker will meet with you in your home to talk about your personal history, family relationships, and reasons for wanting to foster and/or adopt, and the supports you have available. The licensing worker will also want to include any children or other adults in your home in some of these conversations.
The licensing worker will use information from your written autobiography, references, home visit interviews, and training participation to write your home study. The point of this step is for you to work with the licensing worker to decide if foster and/or adoptive care is a good fit for your family and to determine the characteristics of the children who best suit your parenting ability and family. Additionally, before a family can be considered as a possible resource for children, the home study must be approved.
During this step, applicants for foster care and/or adoption will:
- Make a family decision about whether to proceed with the process
- Cooperate with the assessment and home study
- Ensure that you have provided all necessary information
- Meet with experienced foster/adoptive parents, if you haven’t already done so
Ask for help as needed. You can delay this step if you feel that you or members of your household are not yet ready to continue.
- The licensing and/or approval step requires patience. While our goal is to complete your home study and issue a license as quickly as possible, you may be waiting for:
- Results of your criminal history background check
- Your references to be provided to the department
- The licensing worker to review your provided information
- The licensing worker to complete your written home study along with other paperwork
- Try to be patient and productive:
- Pursue further reading or begin networking with other foster and adoptive parents
- Contact your resource peer mentor or licensing worker to answer questions and help solve problems during this period
- Contact your local recruitment coordinator or resource peer mentor to receive information about upcoming training and support groups
If approved and you want to participate, you’ll be ready for the next step in this journey – placement!
The length of time it takes to complete the assessment and licensing process depends on how quickly your application, references, and background checks are received, and when you are able to complete FIRST pre-service training. It is our goal to support you in completing the licensing process as quickly as possible.
After approval
Once you are approved for foster and/or adoptive care, the time it takes to receive a placement depends on many factors, which may include: the type of child (age, sex, race, health, etc.) you are willing to accept, the number and type of children in need of placement, and the type of placement you are willing to accept (short-term or long-term).
Reunification is the primary goal and the most common outcome. The department typically works with a birth family toward reunification for at least 12 months. If reunification of the child with their birth family or relative is unable to occur, the court may terminate parental rights and the child is then available for adoption.