School Health

School Health

Idaho Physical Activity and Nutrition and the Idaho State Department of Education partner to provide physical activity and good nutrition strategies for Idaho school children. 

About school health in Idaho

The Idaho Physical Activity and Nutrition and the Idaho State Department of Education partnership focuses on providing professional development and technical assistance opportunities for school staff, as well as one-on-one guidance to school wellness councils.

If kids are exposed to healthy eating lessons and environments during the school day, they are more likely to develop sound nutritional habits that will last a lifetime. Similarly, if kids are given the opportunity to learn about physical activity and develop a love for being active, they are more likely to continue being active throughout their entire lives. 

Not only is good nutrition and physical activity beneficial for the health of our youth, but it also has been proven to help with their academic success, attendance at school, and behavior in the classroom. These are all results that any educator would like to see in their students. 

Participating Idaho districts

Starting in 2014, the following school districts in Idaho have worked with IPAN and the Idaho State Department of Education on improving health living among their students:

  • Plummer-Worley
  • Kamiah
  • Caldwell
  • Glenns Ferry
  • Gooding
  • Blackfoot
  • Sugar Salem
Two children leaning over a workbook
Physical activity and good nutrition strategies are available for Idaho school children

More resources

External Resources
A system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories.
External Resources
The academic success of America’s youth is strongly linked with their health, and is one way to predict adult health outcomes.
About Idaho Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN)

The Idaho Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) program works in multiple settings to implement changes that have a positive impact

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