2025 Northwest Radon Poster Contest

Sponsored by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Nez Perce Tribe, Oregon Health Authority, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Washington State Department of Health in collaboration with the Northwest Radon Coalition and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10.

Contest details



Contest Dates: January - February  2025 (no submissions accepted prior to January 2025)

  • Deadline for submission: March 7, 2025 at 11:59 pm
  • Eligible students: 9 - 14 years of age living in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington


How can I participate?

  • Fill out the Entry Form and Copyright Release Waiver and upload your artwork here
    • Please scan as a PDF or take a photo of artwork that has clean straight lines. (no visible hands)


What is this contest about?

January is Radon Action Month. This poster contest serves to raise awareness of harmful effects of elevated indoor radon levels and promote testing and mitigation of radon gas.Poster topics should include only one

  • What is radon?
  • Where does radon come from?
  • How does radon get into our homes?
  • Radon can cause lung cancer
  • Test your home for radon
  • Mitigating radon in your home


Artwork Requirements

•    Be original.
•    No student names on the front of the poster.
•    Entry Form/Waiver Release and Artwork Submission Form must be included with the poster. 
•    White paper – 8 ½” x 11” or 11” x 17” size is preferred, but all submission sizes will be accepted (preferred size best for easier reproducibility).
•    Can be created with crayon, markers, paint (watercolor, tempera, and acrylic), collage, pencil, or computer graphics.
•    Lettering and message should be large enough to reproduce well, with all pencil markings erased. 
•    Copyrighted characters, product logos, and trademarked or brand names cannot be used.

Judging Criteria 

•    Clear Message. The poster should be able to be read at-a-glance. (don’t put everything you know about radon in the poster)
•    Content accuracy on radon.
•    Visual communication of topic. 
•    Reproducibility (larger letters, good contrast, neatness, potential for a billboard).
•    Originality/Creativity.
•    No grammatical and/or typographical errors (no spelling mistakes).

What is Radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can buildup in our homes. Both old and new housing can have radon problems. Testing is the only way to know if your home has radon because it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Long-term radon exposure is the number one cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers and the second-leading cause of lung cancer in smokers.

Dad and son on computer
Find contest rules, and lesson plans.
Fill out online form and submit artwork.
Winners get prizes!

First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each state (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington). A regional grand prize will be selected from the winning submissions. The first-place posters from each state will be submitted to the 2025 National Radon Poster Contest. All participating students will learn about radon and how to reduce their risk of exposure.

Winning posters will be featured on websites, social media, and billboards.


1st Place $100

2nd Place $75

3rd Place $50

Regional (Tri-state - Idaho, Washington, and Oregon) Winner $300

Our prize sponsors


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