Children’s Residential Programs

A children’s residential care facility is a licensed entity that provides 24-hour childcare in the absence of the child’s parents. A children’s agency provides child placing services for adoption and foster care. A therapeutic outdoor program provides 24-hour childcare in an outdoor setting. Children’s residential programs are governed by IDAPA 16.04.18.

To file a complaint, click CRL Portal on the right side of this page; once in the portal click on "Complaint Form," follow the directions from there.

Licensing process for children’s residential care facilities, children’s agencies and therapeutic outdoor programs

Step 1:  For a new applicant, complete an initial application including supporting documentation identified below. Use the CRL portal link found on this page.

When renewing an application, submit an annual application by using the CRL portal; don't submit the additional documents until you receive the entrance letter.

Step 2: Register as an organization with the Department of Health and Welfare's Background Check Unit to receive an ID for criminal history because all employees accessing or working with children will need to have a Criminal History Enhanced Clearance associated with your organization. 


Child holding hand
CRL Portal
Additional guidance for application submission

Upon receipt of the application form and application materials, the department will review the materials to determine if the organization has met all of the regulatory requirements and has the necessary systems in place to ensure the implementation of those requirements. The department will notify the organization with a written decision regarding licensure. An application is considered complete when all required documents are received and in compliance with rules and regulations.

Additional Information

If you are planning on providing 24-hour child care services and unsure if you will be required to be licensed please complete a disclosure report. Submit the completed disclosure report to the CRL email. The Department will review the report and notify you of your licensure requirements.

The Focused Review Process for each provider type can be found here.

IDAPA 16.04.18 Trainings
  • Children's Residential Care Facility

      16.04.18 Rules Slideshow - Children's Residential Care Facility

      16.04.18 Rules Video - Children's Residential Care Facility

  • Children's Agency

     16.04.18 Rules Slideshow - Children's Agency

     16.04.18 Rules Video - Children's Agency

  • Children's Therapeutic Outdoor Program

     16.04.18 Rules Slideshow - Children's Therapeutic Outdoor Program

     16.04.18 Rules Video - Children's Therapeutic Outdoor Program

Children's Residential Licensing

PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
United States

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