Developmental Disabilities Agencies

A developmental disabilities agency is a certified entity that provides center and/or home and community-based services to adults and/or children with intellectual disabilities.

To file a complaint, click DDA-RH Portal on the right side of this page; once in the portal click on "Complaint Form," follow the directions from there.

Customer information is under Services and Programs. 

Certification Process for Developmental Disabilities Agencies

Individuals seeking certification of a developmental disabilities agency must complete the following: 

Step 1: Make sure your agency is registered with the Idaho Secretary of State by visiting their website:

Step 2: Register as an agency with the DHW's Background Check Unit to receive an ID for criminal history as all employees accessing or working with participants will need to have a criminal history clearance for your agency. 

Step 3:  Complete an application for Developmental Disabilities Agencies Certificate using the DDA-RH portal link found on this page. The following documentation is required to be uploaded with your application for it to be considered complete.

DDA Application Training

DDA Application Checklist

  1. A policy and procedure manual that contains all requirements found in IDAPA 16.03.21  Submit all forms that provide support for each policy. Please review the certification checklist found at the bottom of this page to ensure completeness of this section. A sample format can be found here: Sample
  2. A copy of the proposed organizational chart or plan for staffing the agency.
  3. A sample file for a direct service provider and a supervisor that contains documents meeting the requirements in section 301.04 of this rule. Use the certification checklist under Staff Requirements found at the bottom of this page to ensure completeness of this section.
  4. The employee file for the current administrator.
  5. A sample participant file that contains documents meeting the requirements of IDAPA
  6. Written description of the agency’s quality assurance program developed to meet requirements in IDAPA Review the certification checklist under Administrative/Facilities Requirements at the bottom of this page to ensure completeness of this section.
  7. A written code of ethics policy required in IDAPA 16.03.21
  8. When center-based services are to be provided, a site visit is required. Prior to that visit, the following documents must be submitted.
    1. Evidence of a local fire inspection 
    2. Occupancy permit
    3. Sample fire escape plan/chart
    4. A completed ADA checklist

Step 4: Once certified, if you are wanting to become a Medicaid provider, complete the Medicaid provider enrollment application. You can complete this by visiting or if you are applying to provide children's DD Medicaid services, review these instructions.

Additional Information Regarding Application Submission

Please note that new applications are also needed when an agency makes any of the following changes:

  1. New ownership
  2. Adding a new location in a different region
  3. Moving locations from one region to another

These changes do not require submission of the documents identified above. Instead, please only submit the updated “scope and service policy”  when adding or moving location to a different region and the updated “organizational chart” for new ownership.  Any location changes within the current certified region should be submitted using the addendum.

Adult in a wheelchair prepares a meal at a table
DDA-RH Portal
DDA/ResHab Certification Agency

P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
United States


DDA Certification Checklists

Participant requirements
Staff requirements
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