Pregnancy, Abortion, and Adoption Resources

Idaho Statute 18-609 requires the department to compile a free ultrasound provider list and provide information directing patients to further information in locating a healthcare provider to consult about chemical abortions, including interventions, if any, that may affect chemical abortions.

Free ultrasound and chemical (medication) abortion lists

If you are a provider, facility, or clinic interested in having your information on the free ultrasound provider list or chemical (medication) abortion information list:

  • Fill out the form on the right side of the screen and submit
  • Your information will be sent directly to department staff and will be added to the next annual list
  • Both lists are updated annually on Jan. 1
  • Requests must be made using the form on this website. Providers must make a request by Dec. 15 each year to be added to the next annual list.

In addition to the required provision of the Fetal Growth and Development, What You Should Know About Abortion, and Directory of Pregnancy and Child Health Services booklets when a woman is seeking an abortion, providers are now required to provide the free ultrasound provider list within 24 hours before an abortion is to be performed.


Get added to a list

*Information presented on these lists are provided "as is" without any representations or warranties, expressed or implicit, in compliance with Idaho Statute 18-609 and is for information purposes only. This information is not intended to constitute medical advice or the provision of medical services. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. The Department of Health and Welfare does not inspect, certify, or endorse any of the providers listed and cannot be held liable for the action(s) of said providers.

Contacts Us
Idaho Family Planning Program
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