Manage my WIC

The WIC card is the new and improved way to shop for WIC foods. WIC cards have replaced paper checks. They work like debit cards - just swipe and enter a PIN (Personal Identification Number).


How does the WIC card work:

  1. Choose foods from the approved food list (the WICShopper app can help you know what foods are WIC approved)
  2. Let the cashier know you're using your WIC card
  3. Swipe your card and enter your 4-digit PIN
  4. Check the mid-purchase receipt that prints after you swipe your card. It shows what WIC will pay for.
  5. You can put back any items WIC didn't pay for or you can pay for those items separately
  6. Keep your receipt!

Food benefits rules:

  • Benefits can be used the first day of the month at 12:01 a.m.
  • Unused food benefits DO NOT carry over to the next month.
Using your WIC card
Get started using your WIC card
Usando su tarjeta WIC
Comience a usar su tarjeta WIC
Need help?

Call your WIC clinic if:

  • You have questions about WIC foods or amounts
  • You were not able to buy a food that you think is WIC approved

Call eWIC Customer Service at 844-892-3084 if:

  • Your card is lost, stolen or damaged
  • You need to reset or change your PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  • You think your receipt doesn't match what you bought

Set your PIN (Personal Identification Number):

  • Before using your eWIC card you must select and set a 4-digit PIN
  • Set your PIN by calling WIC Customer Service at 844-892-3084 or by logging into

Check your balance:

  • Use the FREE WICShopper app
  • Log onto
  • Call WIC Customer Service at 844-892-3084
  • Look at the remaining food balance printed on your last WIC shopping receipt
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