EMS Agencies

EMS agencies is a system of coordinated response and emergency medical care involving multiple people and agencies and is the intersection of health care, public health and public safety. The Idaho EMS is prepared every day for every kind of emergency. 

Are You Interested in Starting an EMS Agency in Idaho?

If you are interested in starting an EMS agency or expanding operations into Idaho, here's how to get started;

  • Review the IDAPA EMS agency licensure rules (pdf).
  • After reviewing the agency licensure requirements, contact an EMS field coordinator at the Idaho Bureau of EMS and Preparedness by calling (208) 334-4000 to find out specific information about operating an EMS agency in Idaho. Discuss your agency's proposed operations and decide on the appropriate avenue for your agency to pursue licensure in Idaho. 
    • All EMS agencies or entities who provide emergency medical services that operate in Idaho are required to have an EMS agency license issued by the Bureau of EMS and Preparedness.
    • EMS agency license applications can only be completed online at IGEMS. Paper applications are not accepted.
  • Apply for EMS agency licensure. The administrator of the agency must first set up a personal IGEMS account to access the application. An IGEMS account can be created at IGEMS.
  • After an IGEMS account is created, contact the bureau at (208) 334-4000 to gain access to the initial agency application. An EMS field coordinator will create an Idaho initial EMS agency license application specific to your agency and will link it to your personal IGEMS account for you to access and complete.
  • After you have access to your application, use this step-by-step presentation on completing an Idaho initial agency license application (Initial Agency Licensure Guide).
EMS Field Coordinator
Idaho Bureau of EMS and Preparedness
ambulance and fire truck response
Apply for EMS Agency License
Set up an account in IGEMS and apply for an agency license.
Initial EMS Agency Licensure

EMS agency licenses are issued for one year and must be renewed prior to the expiration date.

EMS agency licenses must be renewed each year. This process will require completing an EMS agency renewal application in IGEMS.

You must have agency administrator privileges in IGEMS to initiate an agency renewal application.

Review this step-by-step presentation for completing EMS agency renewal applications. 

As with initial EMS agency licensure, an onsite inspection of vehicles, equipment, and forms by bureau personnel will be required before the bureau will issue an EMS agency renewal license. 

EMS Agency License Renewal
Step-by-step guide for completing EMS agency license renewal.

Additional EMS Information

EMS Agency Map and Contact List
Idaho Resource Tracking System (IRTS)

Maintaining the continuity of operations of the state EMS system is vitally important to the infrastructure and emergency response capabilities in Idaho. In partnership with the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) and the Idaho DHW Operations Center (IDHWOC), the Idaho Resource Tracking System (IRTS) was created to aid in this mission.

EMS agencies are required to update IRTS on a regular basis in times of a declared emergency or disaster.

IRTS allows the IOEM and IDHWOC to see, in real time, the current status of every EMS agency in Idaho. This information includes the clinical level of the agency, the current status of available and deployable vehicles, available and deployable personnel, and current status of personal protective equipment on hand. This information is invaluable for IOEM, IDHWOC, and the EMS bureau in making emergency plans to support the statewide EMS community in situations where EMS agencies are losing (or have lost) the capability to respond to emergencies due to call volume or lack of personnel.

For instruction on how to access and update IRTS, follow these links:

Idaho Resource Tracking System (IRTS) User Guide

Idaho Resource Tracking System (IRTS) Update EMS Guide

IRTS webinar

To access IRTS and update your agency’s information: Idaho Resource Tracking System Login

If your agency does not have an IRTS account, contact the EMSP Bureau at 208-334-4000.

Idaho Limited Recognition for Wildfires

Unfortunately, Idaho suffers from frequent wildfires which threaten the resources and communities in our state. The EMS bureau helps meet the needs of organizations who battle these wildfires by allowing EMS personnel who are not licensed in Idaho to gain limited recognition for wildfires when deployed to fighting wildfires to provide medical support at the site. This limited recognition for wildfires requires EMS personnel with active EMS licenses from other states to have their licenses validated prior to being allowed to practice on wildfires in Idaho. For more information on this recognition process, visit the links below: 

Clinical Treatment Guidelines for Wildland Fire Medical Units 2012-7

Idaho Community Health Emergency Services (CHEMS) Resources


Idaho CHEMS is an innovative model where emergency medical services personnel are incorporated into the general healthcare delivery system and extend the reach of primary care into the patient’s environment. CHEMS personnel are healthcare providers who receive additional education, work within a medical health neighborhood, and assist the primary care team in implementing a patient care plan. CHEMS personnel operate within their current scope of practice; however, they act in an expanded role in the medical health neighborhood.

Examples of the roles of CHEMS personnel include but are not limited to the following:

• Acting as healthcare navigators for patients

• Transitional care for patients after they are discharged from a hospital stay

• Vaccinations

• Medication inventories

• Resource coordination

• Basic medical therapeutics

In Idaho, CHEMS allows for all levels of EMS providers and agencies to provide continued or follow-up care that can prevent unnecessary readmissions, or 911 calls from those patients within the community. As noted above, this extended care must be provided within their scope of practice.

The CHEMS operational declaration is available to an agency with a pre-hospital operational declaration that provides personnel and equipment for medical assessment and treatment at a non-emergency scene or at the direction of a physician or independent practitioner.

There is currently not a standardized role for a CHEMS provider and this role must be determined by the agency; however, the Idaho Administrative Code 56-1012  provides guidance regarding a CHEMS operational declaration and Idaho code begins to define and provide structure to future standardizations.

Through the efforts of the Bureau of EMS and Preparedness and additional partners, CHEMS education has been made available for the emergency medical technician and paramedic level providers. 

Webinars & Recordings

CHEMS roundtable discussion video:

Short Version

Long Version

Learning Collaborative & Webinars