Plan Developer/Service Coordinator

Plan developers/service coordinators are selected by participants who access traditional services to help them access, coordinate, and maintain services. For more information on the roles of plan developers/service coordinators, see Traditional Support Services or Plan Developer Who Are They & What Do They Do.

Targeted service coordinators updates and correspondence

Updates and released by the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services that provide information on changes, clarification, or guidance on the program. For a list of applicable updates to plan developers/targeted service coordinators, visit the TSC Updates library.

Visit the DD Program page for information about:

  • HCBS information
  • Provider status reviews (PSRs)
  • Exception reviews
  • Change in condition
  • Appeals information
  • Additional forms
Adult DD provider list
Statewide list of traditional service providers

Forms and documents

Review information and documents

Intense review process

Intense supported living

Individuals with developmental disabilities may qualify for Intense supported living services if they meet certain criteria such as: 

  • Sustained history of serious aggressive behavior causing harm to themselves or others 
  • Chronic or acute medical conditions that are complex and unstable and require one-to-one staffing
  • Felony charges or convictions for offenses related to serious injury or harm of another person
  • History of predatory sexual offenses and are at high risk to offend again

Individuals requesting these services should complete the Intense Supported Living Questionnaire with their PCP team and submit the questionnaire and supporting documents to the independent assessment provider. Intense services are typically 24-hour 1:1 supports. Individuals who may need a blend of 1:1 and group staffing will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

To access intense supported living information and forms, go the Intense Supported Requests library. 

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