
Idaho WIC provides services to help Idaho remain one of the top breastfeeding states in the nation.

Breastfeeding services

Peer counseling: Breastfeeding peer counselors  have experience breastfeeding their own children and understand the questions and joys that come with breastfeeding. They are there to answer questions and cheer mothers on.

Professional breastfeeding support: WIC provides free clinic and phone consultations with trained breastfeeding professionals including International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC’s), Certified Lactation Counselors/Educators, and Registered Dietitians.

Supplemental foods for breastfeeding women: Breastfeeding women receive the deluxe WIC food package with additional food and variety.

Breastfeeding equipment: When needed, WIC will supply breast pumps and other equipment to help women provide breast milk for their babies.

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