WIC vendors

Thank you for partnering with us to serve WIC families in your community. We appreciate everything you do to help make WIC a success in Idaho.

Vendor tools

Vendor training

As part of your store’s agreement with the Idaho WIC program, store staff must receive WIC training every year. This helps cashiers and managers stay up to date on WIC requirements and changes, stay in compliance with program rules, and be successful in your important role as a WIC vendor.

Vendor bulletins

Vendor bulletins are sent out when we need to communicate important information with you, such as as instructions for current events, tips and tools, and contacts.

Vendor bulletins

Vendor kudos

We know store staff work hard everyday to serve Idaho WIC participants in their communities. The kudos page is a place where we can share what you’re doing in your store. We’ll be on the lookout for things to brag about and we’ll post them here from time to time.  

Vendor advisory committee

Look here for information from the vendor advisory committee. 

  • Survey coming soon

Idaho approved products list (APL)

Idaho APL and recent updates

Use the following link to view the current Idaho WIC approved food products and recent APL updates.

Submit products for review

Use the forms below to submit products you think are Idaho WIC eligible, but are being rejected at the register. Completed forms should be emailed to WICUPC@dhw.idaho.gov or faxed to (208) 332-7362.

Produce mapping

All allowable produce not on the Idaho WIC APL should be mapped/linked/cross-referenced through your POS to an Idaho WIC approved fruit or vegetable PLU. General instructions on how and why produce should be mapped are provided below. Contact your POS provider for directions on mapping with your specific POS.

WIC food list

Women, infants & children
Instructions on what food is and is not approved for purchase by WIC participants.
Women, infants & children
Spanish instructions on what food is and is not approved for purchase by WIC participants.


Women, infant and children
Use the following link to view Idaho WIC redemption data. Data can be viewed by month, benefit category and UPC/PLU.
Contact us
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