Ongoing opportunities for the public to meet with the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities.
What is Community NOW?
Community NOW! is a group of people from around Idaho who meet in Boise. This group is made up of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), family advocates, providers, and other caregivers. The group talks about the Medicaid Adult Developmental Disability (DD) program and changes that could be made to better meet your needs. The voices of adults with IDD and their family advocates are the most important voices in this group. The group began meeting in January 2017 and worked for six months to create a list of recommendations to improve the adult DD program.

How Can My Voice Be Heard?
If you have questions about the Community NOW! workgroup please contact:
Idaho Medicaid at
The DD Council at
1-208-334-2178 or
Toll free at
Idaho Medicaid at
The DD Council at
1-208-334-2178 or
Toll free at