What's New

Stay updated on what is new with Idaho's intellectual and developmental disability program. 

Young Man with Downs Syndrome having coffee with a friend
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Supports intensity scale - adult

Every year, Idaho Medicaid learns what supports you need by doing an interview.  Right now, Medicaid uses the Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R) to learn about your needs and find out if you qualify for services. In the next two years, Medicaid will begin to use a new assessment tool to determine what supports you need. This tool is called the Supports Intensity Scale-Adult (SIS-A).  

The SIS-A measures supports in 57 life activities and 28 behavioral and medical areas. The assessment is done through an interview with you and those who know you well.

The SIS-A measures the supports you need in your home, community, lifelong learning, employment, health and safety, social activities, protection, and advocacy. The tool ranks each activity by how often you will be doing it, how much time the activity will take, and the type of supports that are needed for each activity.  

For more information about the SIS-A click on the links below.


Tell us what you think!

What do you like about the assessment process?  What don’t you like?  What would you like to see happen when you are assessed by Medicaid?  Click the Email Us button below to send us your feedback.

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