To receive cash assistance through the AABD program, you must complete the application process and meet certain eligibility requirements.
You may be eligible for AABD cash assistance if you:
- Live in Idaho
- Meet certain income and resource guidelines
- Are a U.S. Citizen or an eligible non-citizen
- Are receiving SSI (disabled per Social Security standards)
How can I apply?
Apply by phone or in person
- Interview
- Call: 1-877-456-1233 (toll free)
- Visit: Find a location near you
- Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
- ID Card
- If applicable, Immigration Status
Apply by mail, email or fax
- Download and complete an application
- Then Apply by either:
- Email:
- Fax: 1-866-434-8278 (toll free)
- Mail: Self Reliance Programs, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0026
- Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
- ID Card
- If applicable, Immigration Status
File an appeal
Your Rights to Appeal or Request a Fair Hearing
This page explains how to file an appeal for an eligibility decision for public assistance programs.