Apply for Katie Beckett

The Katie Beckett program provides additional assistance to eligible children who have long-term disabilities, mental illness, or complex medical needs, and are living at home with their families.

To determine eligibility, please apply for both Medicaid and the Katie Beckett program at the same time. In order to be eligible for the Katie Beckett program, your child must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in Idaho
  • Be a child under the age of 19
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Have a disability diagnosis under the Social Security Act
  • Be assessed to have functional impairments that qualify for the Katie Beckett program 
  • Your household income must be less than the program income limits for your household size (see the specific income limits by selecting a Medicaid Program in the menu)
How can I apply?

The application process for the Katie Beckett program has three steps. 

  1. Apply for Medicaid; write Katie Beckett at top of application form
  2. Complete the Katie Beckett program packet sent to you by Liberty Healthcare
  3. Participate in a Level of Care Determination with Liberty Healthcare
1. Apply for Medicaid
Apply online
  • Apply: Online using idalink
  • Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
    • ID card
    • Household income
    • If applicable, immigration status
Apply over the phone or in person
  • Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
    • ID card
    • Household income
    • If applicable, immigration status
Apply by mail, email or fax
  • Then Apply by either:
    •  Email:
    •  Fax: 1-866-434-8278 (toll free)
    •  Mail: Self Reliance Programs, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0026
  • Be prepared to provide this information with the application:
    • ID card
    • Household income
    • If applicable, immigration status
2. Complete the Katie Beckett program packet sent to you

The purpose of the Katie Beckett program is to help children with severe disabilities to be cared for in their home rather than in a nursing home or other institution, such as a hospital or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities. For a child to be eligible for the Katie Beckett program, the child’s disability will be assessed. Based on the information provided by your doctor and healthcare providers, the independent assessment will determine if your child meets the level of care requirements to be eligible for Katie Beckett services. The packet will be sent to you after you apply for Medicaid. 

Please complete the packet and mail it to:

Liberty Healthcare Corporation
Idaho Independent Assessment Services Program
8850 W. Emerald Street, Suite 164
Boise ID 83704

If you have any questions, please call: 208-258-7980.

3. Participate in a Level of Care Determination with Liberty Healthcare

After the Medicaid application is submitted and the Katie Beckett program packet is completed:

  • You will receive two different notices from DHW:
    • One notice will be about Medicaid eligibility - If your child is eligible for regular Medicaid, you will receive an approval notice.
    • The other notice will be about your child’s medical situation. A DHW representative (Liberty Healthcare) will schedule an appointment for your child's Level of Care Determination. Not all children will need an appointment.
  • You may need to provide additional information, but we will let you know if additional documentation is needed. 

REMINDER: There is a re-evaluation process each year for the Katie Beckett program. You will receive a notice in the mail. Please read and respond to the notice.

File an appeal

Your Rights to Appeal or Request a Fair Hearing

This page explains how to file an appeal for an eligibility decision for public assistance programs. 

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