TSE EMS Designation Program

The 2020 Idaho Legislature approved changes to the administrative rules of the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) System Council to allow for the creation of TSE EMS Designation program. This will provide the opportunity for EMS agencies to be recognized for their excellent patient care, quality improvement, and commitment to working with the Idaho TSE System.

How the program works...

All prehospital, licensed EMS agencies are eligible for designations at the BLS, ILS, or ALS level of licensure. Applications are available online through IGEMS. This is a free and voluntary program, and routine site surveys are not required, but may be requested by the EMS Advisory Committee (EMSAC). The Idaho TSE System Council is the statewide governing authority of the Idaho TSE System. The TSE Council is responsible for establishing rules and standards to approve designations. The EMSAC provides expert review and recommends approval of agencies to the TSE Council. The Idaho Bureau of EMS & Preparedness provides oversight and administrative support for the day-to-day operation of the program.

First responders and their vehicles including an ambulance, firetruck, and helicopter
Application Submission
To apply for a TSE EMS designation, submit an application through IGEMS.

Criteria for each level (BLS, ILS, ALS) can be found in the TSE Standards Manual Edition 2023-1. Review the designation criteria before starting an application. Applications with the required documentation are submitted through IGEMS.

The TSE EMS Designation Toolkit has been created as a guide to help submit your application successfully. In the toolkit, you will find a clarification document, letter templates, and detailed explanation of the application process.

If you would like to speak with an agency who has gone through the process, please reach out to TSE Program Manager Melissa Ball melissa.ball@dhw.idaho.gov to get connected.

TSE EMS Designated Agencies by Region

Region 1 North
Agency Level
Kootenai County Emergency Medical Services ALS
Bonner County Emergency Medical Services ALS
Region 2 North-Central
Region 3 Southwest
Region 4 South-Central
Minidoka Memorial Hospital Emergency Response AmbulanceILS


Region 5 Southeast
Region 6 East