The Idaho Immunization Program provides regular updates on vaccines to providers.
VFC Provider Resource Binder
Guide to Immunizations Required for Childcare Facilities
Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry
The Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practice
Reliable Sources of Information: Where Parents Can Go to Find Answers
Public Access to Immunization Records
Docket® is an application that searches Idaho’s Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS) using basic demographic information (name, date of birth, and sex) to display immunization record information on a mobile device. Phone number verification is required. The app displays vaccination history to anyone with a record in IRIS whose identity has been verified through the Docket® app. This application is not a vaccine passport. The Docket® app currently supports a QR code for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Providing Idahoans digital access to their IRIS records will reduce the number of requests coming into your office and should reduce staff time spent generating records for patients. Docket® will be particularly helpful during back-to-school and kindergarten registration when immunization record requests increase.
When Docket® is launched, your office should anticipate an increased volume of calls and requests from patients to have immunization information updated or verified in IRIS. The Idaho Immunization Program maintains IRIS; but does not provide medical care, including vaccine administration, and cannot alter a patient’s medical record. Because of this, patients will be directed to their healthcare or vaccine provider when there appears to be a discrepancy or missing information when the patient uses Docket®.
ACIP Recommended Immunization Schedules for Adults
Administering Vaccines: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size
After the Shots with Dosing Information
Catch-Up Guidance for Children 4 Months through 6 Years of Age - DTaP/DT
Catch-Up Guidance for Children 7 through 9 Years of Age - Tdap/Td
Catch-Up Guidance for Children 10 through 18 Years of Age - Tdap/Td
Guide to Contraindications and Precautions to Commonly Used Vaccines
How to Administer Intramuscular (IM) and Subcutaneous (SC) Vaccine Injections
IRIS Opt-Out Communication for Providers
Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Children and Teens
Screening Checklist for Contraindications to HPV, MCV4 and Tdap Vaccines for Teens
Screening Questionnaire for Child and Teen Immunization
Suggested Supplies Checklist for an Immunization Clinic
Vaccine- and Vaccine Safety-Related Q&A Sheets
Vaccine Names and Abbreviations
Vaccines With Diluents: How to Use Them
Vaccine Information Statements
Vaccine Information Statements Facts and Information
Vaccine Information Statements: Instructions for Required Use
Accepting Vaccine Orders in IRIS
Accounting for a Dose of Vaccine Administered to a Patient Who Has Opted-out of IRIS
Commonly Administered Pediatric Vaccines/Toxoids (Vaccine Coding Table)
Manage and Add Immunizations in IRIS - NEW
Manage Vaccine Wastage and Returns in IRIS
Managing Vaccine Transfers in IRIS
Monitoring Status of Vaccine Orders in IRIS
Placing Vaccine Orders in IRIS
Prebooking and Requesting Influenza Vaccine in IRIS
Submitting an IRIS Inventory Count
Troubleshooting Vaccine Wastage and Returns in IRIS
Vaccine Accountability & IRIS Inventory Not Deducted Module
Vaccine Management Plan Template
Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling
Don’t Be Guilty of These Preventable Errors in Vaccine Storage and Handling
Packing Vaccines for Transport during Emergencies
Temporary Vaccine Transport Units
Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit
You Call the Shots – Storage and Handling Module
Temperature Monitoring
Fridge-tag 2L Provider Guidance
Min-Max Temperature Log - Freezer
Min-Max Temperature Log - Refrigerator
PharmaWatch Portal Adding IIP Staff
Other helpful resources
Please view current Important Notices below, as well as announcements regarding vaccine management.