ICANS is a secure, electronic, internet-based system that prior to July 1, 2024 was used to administer and manage CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths) assessments in Idaho. Prior to client information being entered into the system parents/clients must have signed the ICANS Informed Consent. 

On July 1, 2024, Magellan Healthcare, the IBHP managed care provider, began managing behavioral health services for the Divisions of Behavioral Health and Medicaid. CANS assessments are submitted through Magellan’s own CANS system. For information about becoming a Magellan network provider, please contact Magellan Healthcare at IdahoProvider@MagellanHealth.com or call 1-855-202-0983.

On September 30, 2024, access to the ICANS system was set to read-only for all agencies set up in the ICANS system. Access to the system will be terminated on September 30, 2025, and the site will no longer be available. 

Accessing ICANS

On September 30, 2024, access to the ICANS system was set to read-only. Providers will retain read-only access to the system until September 30, 2025.


ICANS eManual
User Guide
Agency setup and system access

Access to ICANS was granted to provider agencies in accordance with the Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), and ICANS provider agency agreement.



Automation Help Desk Changing from Direct Phone Customer Services to Online Customer Support Services

What do I need to know?

Starting Monday, 10/07/2024, the Automation Help Desk will be moved from Direct Phone Customer Support Services to Online Customer Support Services.

What does this mean for me?

Starting Monday, 10/07/2024, the Automation Help Desk will be moved over to Online Customer Support Services. 

    Staff will be unavailable to answer phone calls directly, so please leave a voicemail. All voicemails will be relayed to the Automation Help Desk via email.

    Staff from the Analytics & Automation Unit will work on all emails, calls, and requests through the Online Portal Monday through Friday, except for state holidays.


    When calling the Automation Help Desk, please leave your name, name of your agency, phone number, and detailed message about what you need assistance with. All voicemails will be relayed to the Automation Help Desk via email. Phone calls may be returned due to the complex nature of the situation. Otherwise, please check your email for responses from the Automation Help Desk.

    When emailing the Automation Help Desk (dbhautomationhd@dhw.idaho.gov) or using the Online Portal for assistance with a client record, please remember to only use the client’s Unique Client Number (UCN) to identify the client. Client PHI/PII is not to be used in emails to the Help Desk or requests sent through the Online Portal. 



What do I need to know?

  • Beginning September 30, 2024, access to the ICANS system will be set to read-only for all agencies. The final termination date of the ICANS system will be made at a future date, and additional communication will be sent to all ICANS agency staff. 
  • This applies only to the ICANS system and does not affect the system currently supported by Magellan Healthcare for CANS Assessments.


What does this mean for me? 

  • Providers may continue to complete CANS assessments in the ICANS system for clients who ARE NOT funded by the Division of Behavioral Health or Medicaid through September 29, 2024. 
  • Beginning September 30, 2024, access to the ICANS system will be set to read-only for all agencies. You will be able to log into the ICANS system to view records but will no longer be able to create CANS Assessments. 
  • Providers have been able to complete CANS assessments for Division of Behavioral Health and Medicaid clients in Magellan’s system beginning 7/1/2024. For information about becoming a Magellan network provider, please contact Magellan Healthcare at IdahoProvider@MagellanHealth.com.


Guidance/Next Steps:


06/28/2024 & 04/02/2024

What do I need to know?

The new Idaho Behavioral Health Plan (IBHP) is the framework for how behavioral health services for conditions such as mental health and substance use disorders are administered in Idaho. The new IBHP contract is structured differently than the previous one because a managed care provider, Magellan Healthcare, Inc., will manage behavioral health services for the Divisions of Behavioral Health and Medicaid. On July 1, 2024, Magellan will begin managing services for the IBHP. Magellan has their own system for CANS assessments.


What does this mean for me?

Effective July 1, 2024, DO NOT enter any CANS assessments for clients funded by the Division of Behavioral Health or Medicaid into the ICANS system. Providers will begin completing CANS assessments for these clients in Magellan’s system beginning 7/1/2024.  

Providers may continue to complete updated CANS assessments in the ICANS system for clients who ARE NOT funded by the Division of Behavioral Health or Medicaid through September 29, 2024. 

Beginning September 30, 2024, access to the ICANS system will be set to read-only for all agencies. The final termination date of the ICANS system will be made at a future date, and additional communication will be sent to all ICANS agency staff. 


Contact Magellan Health at IdahoProvider@MagellanHealth.com for information about becoming a Magellan network provider.




We have identified an issue in Mountain ICANS production site which is not allowing users to log into Mountain ICANS. We are currently working with FEI to resolve this issue. Currently we do not have an ETA of when the issue will be resolved. We greatly appreciate your patience as we try to resolve this issue.

Note: Pacific ICANS is working - there is no issue with logging into Pacific ICANS identified at the time.

EventDate & TimeDetails
All Staff MeetingTuesday – March 11, 2025
11:00am – 12:30pm MT
Scheduled OutageSaturday - March 15, 2025
4:00am – 8:00am MT
ICANS Offline
Training Resources

Required ICANS Partner and Provider Training 

More to Come!


For CANS Certification information and training, please go to the Idaho TCOM Institute.

System support, updates, and bugs

The Division of Behavioral Health's Analytics & Automation Unit provides or arranges for technical assistance in resolving difficulties in assessing and using ICANS.

Online Portal

Create an Online Portal Request to ask for assistance or to report an issue with ICANS.


Analytics & Automation Unit

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MT

Online Portal


208-332-7316 (Voicemail Only)

844-726-7493  (Voicemail Only)

MAGELLAN HEALTHCARE IdahoProviders@MagellanHealth.com855-202-0973


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