Learn about the peer and family specialist certification process and read about the standards.

Certified Peer Support Specialists and Certified Family Support Partners are critical in the Idaho mental health system. BPA Health administers the certification process for Peer Support Specialists and Family Support Partners. If you are interested in a certification, contact BPA Health.
Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) have experienced a mental illness and recovery and are well positioned to support others who are seeking recovery. Peers offer hope and encouragement by sharing their experiences and knowledge. They create opportunities for recovering individuals to live satisfying and meaningful lives.
Certified Peer Support Specialists provide hope for individuals, families, and communities recovering from mental illness by offering:
- Connections to a community of peers
- Encouragement and understanding
- Information on accessing resources
- Support through recovery
6003 W Overland Road, Suite #201
Boise, ID 83709
United States
148 S Cole Road
Boise, ID 83709
United States
Certified Family Support Partners (CFSP) have experienced raising a child with mental illness, navigating multiple child-serving systems, and assisting the child in developing the resiliency needed for recovery. Certified Family Support Partners offer hope and encouragement by sharing their experiences and knowledge.
Certified Family Support Partners provide hope for individuals, families, and communities in similar situations by offering:
- Stories of lived experience with other parents/caregivers
- Encouragement and understanding
- Information on accessing resources
- Direct caregiver-to-caregiver support
148 S. Cole Road
Boise, ID 83709
United States
The training information on this site is provided as an information resource only. The providers listed here have attested that the trainings provided by their organizations include the competency areas established in IDAPA 16.07.19 “Certification of Peer Support Specialists and Family Support Partners.”
The Division of Behavioral Health does not imply any affiliation or endorsement of the training entities.