Idaho’s State Opioid Response (ISOR) project is a funding opportunity provided by the State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant awarded to the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). It allows DHW to dedicate funding to serving those who struggle with an opioid use disorder (OUD).
DBH is currently using a multifaceted approach that seeks to expand access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT), reduce access to opioids through prevention efforts, enhance the recovery-oriented system of care, and reduce deaths. This approach will increase access to Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder services, including Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), expand community recovery support services, and reduce the number of opiate and stimulant-related deaths in Idaho. Idaho intends to accomplish this by supporting the continuum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support services for both adults and transitional-aged youth for OUD and other concurrent substance use disorders.
- Provide treatment and recovery support services to individuals with an OUD and stimulant use disorder. Treatment services will include access to all federally approved MOUD medications.
- Increase accessibility to treatment and recovery support services through community-based programs including Idaho Law Enforcement Diversion (ILED) programs that provide the opportunity for offenders to access treatment instead of jail, emergency department warm handoff programs that provide immediate access to recovery coach services, and referrals to community treatment providers.
- Provide evidence-based prevention programs to Idaho youth through school counseling programs throughout the state.
- Support Idaho’s treatment providers by the distribution of free SUD educational and treatment materials through funding Project ECHO Idaho sessions, a virtual educational resource that empowers healthcare professionals in the treatment of OUD.
- Increase community awareness of local and statewide resources by distributing OUD resource cards and informational booklets to community stakeholders and Idahoans.
- Provide community-based services that connect individuals with OUD to peer supports and sober living activities.
- Increase the use of naloxone to reverse opiate overdoses through training and provision of naloxone to first responders and other community members who may encounter individuals at risk of opiate overdose.

Agencies interested in providing ISOR services must be part of Magellan of Idaho's participating provider network and agree to the terms of the Opioid Treatment addendum.
ISOR strictly follows both HIPAA and 42 CFR 42 regulations. Providers must meet these criteria.