The department publishes various reports and public health data to be transparent in how the department is performing in regards to the health and well-being of Idahoans.
Department of Health and Welfare
The annual report is the story behind our strategic plan. It emphasizes
the details of our work and highlights what drives us every day.
the details of our work and highlights what drives us every day.
The Legislative Updates provide Legislators with information about current important issues.
To increase transparency and accountability and provide data for economic and statewide budget forecasting, the divisions of Medicaid and Self-Reliance issue monthly reports of program participation and expenditures.
The performance measurement reports show how we measure our progress toward our vision, not just in accomplishing particular tasks, but also the impact of our efforts.
The annual tribal report highlights the department's work with the tribes in Idaho.
Children and Families
Diseases and conditions
Food Assistance
The SNAP by County Tableau file will provide a comprehensive, interactive set of data. To view the interactive file, you will be required to download and install Tableau Reader, 64-bit version.
Tableau Reader must be downloaded to open interactive file.
The SNAP by county PDF file provides a static, snapshot view of the most current month's data.
The WIC Participation Tableau file will provide a comprehensive, interactive set of data. To view the interactive file, you will be required to download and install Tableau Reader, 64-bit version.
The WIC Participation PDF file provides a static snapshot view of the WIC participation trend.
Medicaid and Health
This annual report highlights the progress made by the Health Quality Planning Commission.
Cumulative enrollment data by county
Vital Records and Health Statistics
Statistical information published in PDF reports include vital events (births, deaths, marriages, divorces, stillbirths and abortions from vital records) and population data. The latest reports for births and population are for 2018; data for births and population are now published on interactive dashboards on the Get Healthy Idaho website; click link below to access these dashboards.
An ongoing surveillance program developed by the CDC. It is designed to estimate the prevalence of risk factors for the major causes of morbidity and mortality among adults aged 18 and over.
An interactive dashboard of data on chronic disease, injury, health conditions, and health related behaviors.
Includes breast cancer screening, sexual violence, cancer screenings, mammography and obesity.
An annual survey of new mothers in Idaho regarding maternal experiences and health behaviors before, during, and after pregnancy. PRATS provides prevalence estimates of risk factors associated with poor pregnancy outcomes and infant health.
An interactive dashboard with data on maternal experiences and health behaviors before, during and after pregnancy.
IdVDRS collects data on all violent deaths that occur annually in Idaho. By collecting comprehensive data on violent deaths, IdVDRS prevention partners can create targeted, evidence-based prevention strategies to help reduce the burden of violent death in Idaho.
Fact sheets and reports on the following topics: births and pregnancy, chronic disease, drug deaths, induced termination, mortality, substance abuse, and suicide.
Women's health and pregnancy
Maternal Deaths in Idaho Annual Reports
Maternal Deaths in Idaho Fact Sheets