Current Department of Health and Welfare Surveys
Below you will find a list of active surveys within the Department of Health and Welfare. This page will be updated to keep you informed of valid surveys being conducted by the department.
The Background Check Unit (BCU) strives for quality customer service. To achieve this, surveys are sent monthly to participants who used a service from BCU and the agency that participant was using BCU services for during the prior month. The survey will ask the participant questions about their experience with BCU, such as the convenience/accessibility of fingerprinting locations, ease of registering on the website, interactions with BCU staff, etc. The survey will ask the agency about the ease of use of the website and responsiveness of BCU staff.
The BCU surveys are conducted via a link in an email to Participation is voluntary and responses are used by the BCU staff to improve customer service.
For questions about this survey, call 800-340-1246.
The Idaho Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a state-based public health survey of health risk behaviors, preventive health practices, and healthcare access especially related to chronic disease and injury. Idaho has conducted the survey since 1984 and cooperates with the Centers for Disease Control, 49 other states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Territories.
A professional survey research firm, Issues and Answers, Inc. conducts the survey for the department. Participation is voluntary, and respondents may skip any question. All answers are confidential, and personally identifiable information is separated from the data before analysis. Only summary data is made public and used to measure prevalence of chronic disease and injury, identify emerging health problems, and develop and evaluate public health programs. Idaho BRFSS information is used by the general public, the media, health researchers and clinicians, and policy makers such as legislators and public health officials.
View Idaho BRFSS survey documents
View Idaho's BRFSS survey results dashboard
Learn more about BRFSS from the CDC
For questions about this survey, call 877-309-3040.
The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Tracking System (PRATS) is an annual survey of new mothers in Idaho, directed by the Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics within the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. PRATS was first conducted in Idaho in 1999 and is modeled after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). PRATS is a population-based tracking system that identifies and examines maternal experiences and health practices surrounding pregnancy which man affect pregnancy outcomes and infant health. PRATS data are supplemental to information obtained from birth certificates and are used for planning, developing, and assessing perinatal health program s in Idaho. Results from PRATS have been used to determine progress towards goals, assess trends, and target at-risk populations relevant to maternal and child health. PRATS provides information about the intendedness of pregnancy, initiation of prenatal care, content of prenatal care, barriers to services, physical abuse among pregnant women, breastfeeding patterns, and many other important perinatal issues.
This project was funded by grants through the State Systems Development Initiative (SSDI) Grant Program and the Title V MCH Services Block Grant (Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Collaboration between Idaho’s SSDI Program and Title V MCH Program has been essential to the success in establishing PRATS as an ongoing data system. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare would like to thank the mothers of Idaho who have participated in the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Tracking System.
View annual reports, fact sheets, and questionnaires
For questions about this survey, call 800-833-0867.