

Riverside Hotel - Boise, Idaho

The Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho is the largest hotel in the Treasure Valley with classic resort-style comfort and charm. The Riverside is the ultimate home for your time away from the office during the EYC 2024 Conference and offers a number of onsite amenities. Take a bike ride along the river, a plunge in the pool, enjoy music in the Sapphire Room, or kick back at the Sandbar Patio Grill alongside the scenic Boise River and Greenbelt. 


The Riverside Hotel
2900 Chinden Blvd.
Boise, ID 83714

EYC Venue
EYC Conference Venue
RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be made by INDIVIDUL CALL-IN no later than FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2024. Attendees call 208-343-1871 and ask for the Early Years Conference group rate.
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